Sunday, November 12, 2006

More Wedding Pictures!!!

Here's some more a friend sent us. Thanks Steve!!!!
Your Photos too can be featured on my BLOG. SEND THEM TO ME!!!!! Thank you.

Presenting..... Our Ketubah!

Rob Signs....

I sign....

And the Rabbi signs! (So did Marc and Sarah and Adam and Laurie but I don't have those pictures. Do you???)

Under the Chuppah getting married.

Rob gives me my ring. HEE HEE!! Now I have two! :)

Listening to the Rabbi....

And then receiving a blessing. (If you look closely you can see the Rabbi doing the Cohen/Vulcan hand thing.) LIVE LONG, AND PROSPER!!!

Really cool hora picture!

Rob and his friend Jake.

Me and Rob and his friends from Columbia. Marc, Sarah, Steve, Alyssa, and Jake!

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